With no plan, with no purpose


With no plan, with no purpose
I walk around in circles.
I feel calm, not nervous.
With no plan, with no purpose.

With no worry, with no fear
My path is straight and clear.
Here I am to disappear.
With no worry, with no fear.

With no hope, with no promise
I look into the silent abyss.
Everything has gone amiss.
With no hope, with no promise.

With no thought, with no mind
My eyes are dark and blind.
Myself I daily lose and find.
With no thought, with no mind.

With no sorrow, with no pain
I repeat my sins again.
I cannot cleanse this ugly stain.
With no sorrow, with no pain.

*Painting “Planning for the Future” by Basuki Abdullah



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4 responses to “With no plan, with no purpose

  1. I wrote something like this in the form of a long epic song in the 60s. It was called THE SONG OF GOD’S ASSASSIN and was studied in Chicago universities because I played Chicago regularly. What I want to know is where you find these great paintings. I could not find Basuki Abdullah’s works anywhere on line.

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