And then arrived reality


And then arrived reality.
From deep slumber she disturbed me.
Now I see, there is no god.
Reality is much more odd.

And then arrived reality
in all her beauty and brutality.
I greet her with a hug and kiss.
She smiles and says: what is amiss?

And then arrived reality
reminding me of life’s finality.
She put her hands on my eyes
and said: each life one day dies.

And then arrived reality
coupled with illness and agony.
I cried and prayed: Please go away.
But she replied: I came to stay.

And then arrived reality
without gods and morality.
She doesn’t mind to be ignored.
She walks slow, on her own accord.

And then arrived reality
restoring things to normality.
All fears and hopes she swept away.
I trust in her. Let come what may.

*Painting – “Wind Fallen Trees” by Ivan Shishkin, 1886.


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5 responses to “And then arrived reality

  1. This is soo well written! :O
    Haven’t read something this beautiful in a long long time! ❤

  2. Schön

    Ever-lasting in my mind for this very poem and your words on the hill. Amazing!

  3. pixieannie

    Your words provide light in my otherwise slightly darkened day. Thank you.

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